Exploring Mathematics & Computing

Computing is a mathematical science, programs are mathematical entities. We are here to explore this nature of computing, while also delving occasionally into mathematics for its own sake. The areas generally include algorithms, programming, program correctness, data structures, arithmetic and discrete mathematics.


Sorting Algorithms

Hash Tables

Detecting Cycle in a Sequence

Fibonacci Numbers

Binary Trees

Permutation Generation Algorithms

Euclid's GCD Algorithm

Implementing Large Integers

Algorithms for Exponentiation and Logarithm

General Concepts in Algorithms

Miscellaneous Algorithms


Basic Mathematics

Modular Arithmetic

Coq Proofs

Three Distance Theorem, Golden Ratio

Programs with Proofs

With Automated Proofs

Programs which have been proven correct (as per their specification) with help of a software tool.
  1. A Sorting-Network
  2. Finding Maximum in an Array
  3. Array Copy with Overlap
  4. Counting Occurrences in an Array
  5. Binary Search
  6. Computing Fibonacci Numbers
  7. Euclid's GCD Algorithm
  8. Integer to Base-b Numeral
  9. Selection Sort
  10. Quick Sort
  11. Model-Checking Example with Spin

With Manual Proofs

Programs containing proofs which require human reasoning.
  1. Finding if an Integer is Prime


Quote of the Month

Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better.
— Edsger W. Dijkstra

Quotes Archive

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Discussion Group

For questions and discussions about the topics covered here or any related area, feel free to use this discussion group.

About Me

My name is Nitin Verma and I live in Ajmer (India). Got introduced to computing through my undergraduate in Computer Science & Engineering at IIT Guwahati (2003). I have been developing software since then, individually as well as in teams at Adobe Systems and Oracle. Presently involved in MathsAnew all-day.

For any question or suggestion, please feel free to write to me at [].