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Let α < 1 be any positive real number and N any positive integer. As said earlier, we assume that N < q whenever α is rational p∕q. Now consider the increasing order of the N values {α},{2α},…,{Nα}, which must be all distinct (as concluded on page §). Say u1,u2,…,uN denote this order such that {u1,u2,…,uN} = {1,2,…,N} and, {uiα} < {ui+1α} for i = 1,2,…,N − 1. So the lowest and highest values are {u1α} and {uNα} respectively.
The basic statement of the theorem is as below.
The points {uiα} and {ui+1α} are neighbors. The theorem says that for any pair of integers ui and ui+1, their difference can only be one among the three values: u1,u1 − uN,−uN.
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