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Computing a Quotient-Digit

When we perform long-division manually for decimal numerals, we usually depend on trial-and-error to find a quotient-digit d. If the IDD is less than the divisor, d is simply 0. Otherwise, we can make a guess about d based on some initial digits of the divisor and the IDD. Then we need to multiply guess d with the divisor to check if the guess is correct. If incorrect, we make another guess and so on. In our earlier example, for IDD 1349, the guess of d = 4, based simply on 133 (13 from 1349, 3 from 365) is incorrect (365 4 = 1460 exceeds 1349) and needs another try with d = 3.

We need to make this trial-and-error method efficient (requiring less number of corrections) and well-defined, for any base B numeral system. We will be discussing a method proposed by Pope and Stein in [3], which is also described in Knuth’s book [4] (section Multiple Precision Arithmetic). To guess d, it uses the first digit of b and first two digits of the IDD (which, as mentioned earlier, is treated as having width nb + 1).

A variant of this method which uses first two digits of b and first three digits of the IDD has been discussed by Hansen in [5], which is also a good resource on this topic. The theorems behind this variant have been attributed to Krishnamurthy and Nandi [6].

Let us denote the IDD of some iteration by x = (xnbxnb1x1x0), where xnb, xnb1 etc may be 0. In favor of simpler symbols, we will denote xnb,xnb1 as y,z and bnb1 (the MSD of b) as e. The 2-digit number formed by y and z will be denoted as (yz).

Before we proceed further, we will make some observations about multiplication of b by a single digit s, that will help us in the discussion below. Such multiplication will be referred as “multiplication bs{s = }” with s as specified.

We can use the schoolbook’s multiplication method to help us understand this:

    e  bnb−2  bnb− 3 ...  b1 b0
 u  v  tnb−2  tnb−3  ...  t1 t0

Please refer to article [2], section “Multiplication by a Digit”, Lemma 2. The digits u, v at positions nb, nb1 of the result, will together form a number (uv) as given by (cnb2 is the carry from earlier position):

(uv) = cnb− 2 + es


(uv) ≥ es

Also, due to Lemma 1 in article [2], any carry cannot exceed (s 1). So,

(uv ) ≤ (s− 1) + es

Whenever we will need to compare bs (for any digit s) with the IDD x, we can first ignore their last nb 1 digits and simply compare the values formed by their two most significant digits: (uv) and (yz). Then we can use:

(uv ) > (yz) ⇒  bs > x                                       (5)
(uv ) < (yz) ⇒  bs < x                                       (6)

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