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We will multiply both a and b by a Scaling-Factor f so that (bf)’s first digit is at least (B 1)2. Then, we will perform the division process on these modified operands af (dividend) and bf (divisor). The quotient of this division must be same as the quotient with original operands a and b. The remainder needs to be divided by f to give the remainder for division with original operands.

We can find the scaling-factor f as follows. Let us try with f as a single digit number. In the multiplication bs{s = f}, the value (uv) in the result will follow, due to (3) and (4):

ef ≤ (uv) ≤ (f − 1) + ef

We want this value (uv) to satisfy the constraints:

(B − 1)∕2 ≤ (uv) ≤ B − 1

which can be achieved with:

    (B − 1)∕2 ≤ ef            and,   (f − 1) + ef ≤ B − 1

⇔           f ≥ (B  − 1)∕(2e)   and,             f ≤ B∕ (e + 1)

So, we can choose f = B∕(e + 1).

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