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To summarize, if the divisor and dividend have been normalized, then the process
of computing d is the following. Find the first estimate d1 using (7). Since we use
Δ = 2, the desired d must be one among d1 − 2, d1 − 1, d1. Specifically, d is the
maximum among these three values with the property that (d1 − i)b ≤ x,
i = 0,1,2.
Note that when b is a single digit divisor, IDD x is simply the two-digits (yz),
and so the first estimate d1 = ⌊(yz)∕e⌋ must be the correct digit d always. So, no
normalization is needed in this case.
Below we implement the long-division for bigints, while using the above
approach for computing a quotient-digit. Please refer to [1] and [2] for
implementation of methods referred by these methods.
/* a: dividend, b: divisor, qt: quotient, rm: remainder */
int divide(bigint *a, bigint *b, bigint *qt, bigint *rm)
int na, nb, m;
ulong yz, d;
bigint x, t1, t2, af, bf;
uint e, f = 1;
printf("divide: divisor is 0\n");
return -1;
if(BINT_LEN(a) < BINT_LEN(b))
BINT_INIT(qt, 0);
copy(rm, a);
return 0;
e = b->digits[b->msd];
if((BINT_LEN(b) > 1) && (e < B/2))
/* normalization */
f = B/(e + 1);
multiply_digit(a, f, &af);
multiply_digit(b, f, &bf);
a = ⁡
b = &bf;
e = b->digits[b->msd];
na = BINT_LEN(a);
nb = BINT_LEN(b);
/* na >= nb holds. */
/* quotient can have maximum (na-nb+1) digits */
qt->msd = WIDTH - (na-nb+1);
/* loop-invariant P: first m digits of ’a’ have been brought-down
and processed. */
m = 0;
while(m < na)
if(m == 0)
m = nb;
prefix(&x, a, m);
shift_left(&x, 1);
x.digits[WIDTH-1] = a->digits[a->msd + m-1];
yz = yz_from_x(&x, nb+1);
d = yz/e;
if(nb > 1)
correct_d_and_subtract(&x, b, &d);
/* we don’t need correction in d if nb=1 */
yz = yz - e*d;
/* above remainder is less than e, so must be single digit */
BINT_INIT(&x, yz);
qt->digits[qt->msd + m-nb] = d;
/* (loop-invariant P) AND (m=na) holds. */
/* Now x contains the remainder. */
if(f > 1)
BINT_INIT(&t1, f);
divide(&x, &t1, rm, &t2);
copy(rm, &x);
return 0;
/* treat x as having width w, by prefixing some 0s if necessary */
static ulong yz_from_x(bigint *x, int w)
int iy = WIDTH-w; /* index of y */
uint y, z;
if(iy >= x->msd)
y = x->digits[iy];
y = 0;
if(iy+1 >= x->msd)
z = x->digits[iy+1];
z = 0;
return ((ulong)y)*B + z;
static void correct_d_and_subtract(bigint *x, bigint *b, ulong *d)
bigint t;
if(*d > B-1)
*d = B-1;
multiply_digit(b, *d, &t);
/* Now (t = bd) holds. */
if(compare(&t, x) == 1)
*d = *d - 1;
subtract(&t, b, &t);
/* Now (t = bd) holds again. */
if(compare(&t, x) == 1)
*d = *d - 1;
subtract(&t, b, &t);
/* Now (t = bd) holds again. */
/* We must now have t <= x. */
/* ((t = bd) AND (t <= x)) holds (implies bd <= x). */
subtract(x, &t, x);
[1] Nitin Verma. Implementing Basic Arithmetic for Large Integers:
Introduction. https://mathsanew.com/articles/
implementing_large_integers_introduction.pdf (2021).
[2] Nitin Verma. Implementing Basic Arithmetic for Large Integers:
Multiplication. https://mathsanew.com/articles/
implementing_large_integers_multiplication.pdf (2021).
[3] D. A. Pope, M. L. Stein. Multiple Precision Arithmetic. C. ACM, Vol
3 (12) (1960), 652–654.
[4] D. E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, Third
Edition. Addison-Wesley (1997).
[5] P. B. Hansen. Multiple-Length Division Revisited: A Tour of the
Minefield. Syracuse University EECS - Technical Reports, 166 (1992).
[6] E. V. Krishnamurthy, S. K. Nandi. On the Normalization
Requirement of Divisor in Divide-and-Correct Methods. C. ACM, Vol 10
(12) (1967), 809–813.
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