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Suppose we need to compute a22. We can do it by first computing a11 and then squaring it to give (a11)2 = a22. We can compute a11 similarly but since 11 is odd, we can express a11 = a10a, and compute a10 by first computing a5 and squaring it. This recursive process can be repeated till the trivial subproblem of computing a1. The subproblems created in this example have exponents as (in order of their creation): 11, 5, 2, 1. This gives us a recursive algorithm based on Divide-and-Conquer approach. We will now try to find its iterative equivalent.
The binary representation of b helps us here. Depending upon whether any exponent e is even or odd, we are creating a subproblem with exponent e∕2 or (e− 1)∕2. So, if the binary form of b has m bits, the first subproblem’s exponent consists of (m− 1) prefix bits of b. By repeating this argument, we know that the subproblems (in order of their creation) will have their exponent as these many prefix bits of b: m − 1,m − 2,m − 3,…,2,1.
To create the iterative equivalent of the recursive algorithm, we can solve the subproblems in bottom to top order; that is, solving for the exponents in this order: 1,2,3,…,m prefix bits of b.
In the common-structure shown earlier, x can be initialized to 1 to correspond to the single-bit prefix of b (the MSB, which is 1 here). Every iteration increases the number of prefix bits in x by 1. So, if the next bit of b to append to x is bp, the iteration will do it by updating x to 2x + bp. To maintain invariant P, r will be updated to (modulo n):
The loop will terminate when x contains all the m bits of b, i.e. x = b. The following method implements this algorithm:
As the bits from the binary representation of b are read MSB to LSB (left to right), this algorithm is often called Left-to-Right Binary Exponentiation (abbreviated as “Binary LR” algorithm below).
This algorithm performs m − 1 squarings of r, and a multiplication r ⋅ a for every 1 bit seen during the loop, which are maximum m − 1. Thus, it performs total up to 2(m − 1) multiplications, where m = ⌊log 2b⌋ + 1.
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