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2k-ary Algorithm: Optimal k

We can choose the value of integer k (k 2) which minimizes the number of multiplications in (1) for a given m, which means to minimize:

       m     k−1
f(k) = k- + 2

For m > 8, as k increases from 0 to higher integers, f(k) first keeps decreasing and then keeps increasing. So, to find integer k where f(k) is minimum, we will look for the integer k at which this f(k) increase starts. More precisely, we need the smallest integer k satisfying:

         f(k) ≤ f (k + 1)
    m-    k− 1   -m---   k
⇔   k +  2   ≤  k + 1 + 2
     ---m----   k− 1
⇔    k(k + 1) ≤ 2
                k− 1
⇔          m ≤ 2   k (k + 1)

The below table shows some ranges of m and their optimal k value:


k 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Consider some m > 8, and let ko denote the corresponding optimal k. Then, N(ko) must not exceed N(k) for any integer k 2. So, N(ko) N(2). But, as seen in (2), for all m > 8, N(2) < Nb. Thus,

N (ko) < Nb

In other words, for all m > 8, the number of multiplications required by 2k-ary algorithm with optimally chosen k is always less than that required by Binary LR algorithm.

The number of multiplications saved by this algorithm, compared to the Binary LR algorithm, become more significant as m increases. For example, with m = 18 and m = 52, the Binary LR algorithm requires (2(m1) =) 34 and 102 multiplications, but this algorithm requires (due to (1)) 18 + (183) + 22 = 28 (k = 3) and 52 + (524) + 23 = 73 (k = 4) multiplications respectively.

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