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Relation 2

We can obtain below from the recurrence definition (1) of Fn. Again, assume n to be large enough to allow some iterations.

Fn = Fn −2+Fn −1 = (Fn−2+Fn  −3)+Fn −2 = (Fn−2+Fn − 3+Fn −4)+Fn −3

In above, we start seeing that the second smallest fibonacci term is occurring twice. We can pick one of the two occurrences of such term and expand it using its recurrence definition, and repeat as below:

Fn = (Fn−2 + Fn−3 + Fn−4)+ Fn −3
     {expanding F   }
  =  (Fn−2 + Fn−3 + Fn−4 + Fn−5)+ Fn −4
     {repeating as above}

  =  (Fn−2 + Fn−3 + ...+  Fn−k+1 + Fn−k) + Fn−k+1
     3 ≤ k ≤ n − 1
     {with k = n − 1}

  =  (Fn−2 + Fn−3 + ...+  F2 + F1 )+ F2
Since F2 = 1, we can write below relation for all n > 2:
Fn = (    Fi)+ 1

Example: F9 = 34 = (1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 13) + 1

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