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Other Step-Counts for References

In the cycle-searching part of method floyd(), every time we progress R1 and R2 by 1 and 2 steps respectively. Suppose we instead progress them by p and q steps with p > q, and call the corresponding references Rp and Rq. Will these two references ever meet inside the cycle?

They will meet if there exists s 1 such that eps and eqs are equal and so belong to the cycle. That is, ps l and qs l, which is equivalent to (since p > q) qs l. So:

s ≥ q

Due to (1), indices of eps and eqs are same iff:

    l + (ps− l) mod n = l + (qs − l) mod n
⇔    ((p− q)s) mod n = 0

⇔            (p−  q)s = a multiple of n                           (7)

It is in fact possible to find s 1 which satisfies both (6) and (7). An example is s = mn where m is a positive integer large enough such that mn l∕q. So we can conclude that Rp and Rq will always meet after some number of iterations, for any p and q with p > q.

Note that for p = 2 and q = 1, equations (6) and (7) are equivalent to (2) and (3) respectively.


[1]   D. E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, Third Edition. Addison-Wesley (1997).

[2]   Wikipedia. Cycle Detection. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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