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Comparing Performance of Insertion Sort and
Selection Sort
Nitin Verma
November 22, 2021
Does Insertion Sort always outperform Selection Sort? Or vice versa? If not
always, under what conditions one would become faster than the other? In this
article, we will observe the factors affecting performance of these two
sorting algorithms, and see examples where one of them outperforms the
An implementation of the two sorting algorithms in C has been provided
below. The input array a[] of n elements of type object (an structure) needs to be
sorted in ascending order, using the comparison function less_than(). We will be
denoting any subarray of a[] from some index x to some index y (y ≥ x) as
a[x : y].
typedef struct object
unsigned int key;
short field1;
char field2[2];
int more_fields[2];
} object;
#define less_than(o1, o2) (o1.key < o2.key)
void insertion_sort(object a[], int n)
int i, j;
object t;
i = 1;
/* loop-invariants (specified for case n > 0):
P: a[0:i-1] contains same elements as the initial a[0:i-1]
Q: a[0:i-1] is sorted */
while(i < n)
/* create hole (position that can be overwritten) at index i */
t = a[i];
j = i;
/* loop-invariants:
R: the "hole" is at index j
S: t is less than each element in a[j+1:i] */
while(j >= 1 && less_than(t, a[j-1]))
a[j] = a[j-1];
j = j-1;
/* copy t to the hole at index j */
a[j] = t;
/* P and Q hold with (i = n) */
void selection_sort(object a[], int n)
int i, j, min;
object t;
i = 0;
/* loop-invariants:
P: a[0:i-1] contains the i smallest elements of initial a[]
Q: a[0:i-1] is sorted */
while(i < n-1)
min = i;
j = i+1;
/* loop-invariant R: a[min] is minimum in a[i:j-1] */
while(j < n)
if(less_than(a[j], a[min]))
min = j;
j = j+1;
/* R holds with (j = n) */
if(min != i)
/* swap a[i] and a[min] */
t = a[i];
a[i] = a[min];
a[min] = t;
/* P and Q hold with (i = n-1) */
/* Now a[n-1] must be among the largest, so a[0:n-1] is sorted */
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