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Let us say, we first estimate the desired quotient-digit d to be the following based on the initial digits of the divisor b and IDD x:
| (7) |
Since d1 ≤⌊(yz)∕e⌋,
| (8) |
Can this estimate d1 be less than d? Let’s assume the case when d1 < d. Since d ≤ B − 1, we must have d1 < B − 1, i.e. d1 = ⌊(yz)∕e⌋. But that means,
In the multiplication bs{s = d1 + 1} from the last section, the value (uv) in the result will follow, due to (3) and above:
Thus, b(d1 + 1) would exceed the IDD x (using (5)), and so d1 + 1 or any higher digit cannot be the desired quotient-digit d. This contradicts our assumption that d1 < d. Hence,
| (9) |
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